Department of electromagnetic processes and atomic nuclei interactions

Сокращенное название: DEPNI

Телефон: +7 495 939 50 95


Department of electromagnetic processes and atomic nuclei interactions

Department of electromagnetic processes and atomic nuclei interactions (DEPNI) headed by Professor, ScD. Boris Ishkhanov is a basic subdivision of the Chair of General nuclear physics of the Physics Department of MSU (headed by a.k.a.)

The basic directions of the scietific reseacrh are the following:
- physics of photonuclear reactions (1 - 100 MeV);
- electromagnetic interactions at high energy (over 100 MeV);
- electromagnetic interactions at low energy (eV - 10 keV);
- databases on nuclear physics;
- physics of electron beams and accelerators;
- physics of neutrino.

The following studies are carried out by the scientists of the Department within the frames of these directions:
- experimental and theoretical studies of the processes of interactions of photons and atomic nuclei within wide range of energy;
- studies of different effects of nucleonic structure (protons and neutrons) and different aspects of elementary particles physics, first of all, neutrino;
- development and manufacture of unique electronic accelerators - slotted microtrones and linear accelerators basing on new original ideas. All developed accelerators are compact, provide high quality of the beam and wide range of technological applications. The basic results of the studies in the field of accelerators physics are copyrighted and patented;
- development of nuclear databases containing up-to-date international data on nuclei structure, nuclear reactions and radioactive decays.

The students and the scientists of the Chair and the Department cooperate with the scientists from the Institute of theoretical and experimental physics RAS within a number of fields of fundamental physics research. There are also joint projects of the Department and the Russian Federal Nuclear Center (Sarov), Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna).

The Department collaborates with a number of foreign scientific and educational centers, including Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF, Newportm, USA); Mainz Institute of Nuclear Physics (Germany) with the biggest european electronic acceleartor at 1.5 GeV (MAMI-C); Genova National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) (Italy); National Laboratory Gran-Sasso (Italy), where an international neutrino experiment Borexino is carried out; Technical University of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain); collaboration ANTARES – on-coming big sea neutrino detector.