Семинар отдела теоретической физики высоких энергий 20 февраля, 2008 - 15:00

(after materials for PHD Thesis)


Brane world models are considered with interbrane separation
stabilized by the Goldberger-Wise scalar field. For arbitrary
background, or vacuum configurations of the gravitational and
scalar fields in such models, we construct the second variation
Lagrangian, study its gauge invariance, find the corresponding
equations of motion and decouple them in a suitable gauge. We also
derive an effective four-dimensional Lagrangian for such models,
which describes the massless graviton, a tower of massive
gravitons and a tower of massive scalars. It is shown that for a
special choice of the background solution the masses of the
graviton excitations may be of the order of 1 TeV, the radion mass
of the order of 100 GeV, the inverse size of the extra dimension
being 1 TeV. The gravitational field of matter on the branes is also

Event dates: Wednesday, 20 February, 2008 - 14:00


  • Reports:

      Gravitational interaction in stabilized Randall-Sundrum model.
      Автор(ы) доклада: Yu.S. Mikhailov (Faculty of Physics, MSU)

    Place: Россия, Москва, микрорайон Ленинские Горы, 1с58 (корпус высоких энергий), комната 3-24

    Web-page: http://theory.sinp.msu.ru/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=seminars:seminars

    Scientific adviser:

    Secretar: Baikov Pavel Anatol'evich

    Structure units: