Семинар ОЭФВЭ 27 января, 2010 - 15:00

I will present new results from the recent blind analysis
of 612 kg-days of raw exposure using the CDMS germanium
detectors at Soudan. CDMS uses ionization and athermal
phonon signals to discriminate between candidate (nuclear
recoil) and background (electron recoil) events in Ge
crystals cooled to ~ 50 mK. Timing, yield, and position
information allows us to tune our expected background
leakage into the signal region to less than one event. I
will report on what we saw when we \"opened the box\",
whether we have seen WIMPs or not, and implications for
future dark matter direct detection experiments.

Event dates: Wednesday, 27 January, 2010 - 14:00


  • Reports:

      Results from the final 5-tower run of CDMS
      Автор(ы) доклада: Prof.P.Cushman (Univ. of Minnesota)

    Place: Россия, Москва, микрорайон Ленинские Горы, 1с58 (корпус высоких энергий), комната 3-24

    Scientific adviser:

    Secretar: Nikitin Nikolai Viktorovich

    Structure units: