Семинар ОЭФВЭ 4 июня, 2012 - 16:00

Little Higgs Models are one possibility to solve the (little) hierarchy problem by using global symmetries to turn the quadratic dependence of scalar masses at one loop into a logarithmic one by means of the mechanism of collective symmetry breaking. I will explain the concepts of these models, their particle content, their phenomenological features, and also distinctive subclasses of Little Higgs models. Some newer developments like first the impact of first LHC data as well as discrete symmetries and Dark Matter in these models are discussed.

Event dates: Monday, 4 June, 2012 - 16:00


  • Reports:

      Little Higgs Models - Concept and Phenomenology
      Автор(ы) доклада: Professor Juergen Reuter (DESY Theory Group)

    Place: Россия, Москва, микрорайон Ленинские Горы, 1с58 (корпус высоких энергий), комната 3-24

    Scientific adviser:

    Secretar: Nikitin Nikolai Viktorovich

    Structure units: