Two components of the giant dipole resonance associated with its configurational fission due to different nuclear transitions from the inner and outer shells
25 years ago the USSR National Committee for the inventions and discoveries established a discovery (Diploma N 342) with the title "Mechanism of configurational fission of the giant dipole resonance for light nuclei" by V.G. Shevchenko, B.S. Ishkhanov, V.G. Neudachin, I.M. Kapitonov and N.P. Yudin - the scientists of the MSU Physics Department and SINP MSU.
The giant dipole resonance is a phenomenon observed during the processes of interaction of gammas and nuclei. It is that in the nucleus protons oscillation relative to neutrons appear in the field of electromagnetic wave. As a result well-defined powerful resonance appears in photo-nuclear reactions cross-sections. The giant dipole resonance is an object for numerous fundamental studies, intended to the atomic nuclei structure and mechanisms of different nuclear reactions.
The discovery contributed greatly to the detailed studies of the processes of giant dipole resonance excitation and decay with different particles escape. Thin structure of the giant dipole resonance was discovered, formation mechanism of giant resonances of different multipolarity was clarified, new modes for excitation of nuclear matter during interactions between nuclei and photons, in particular, so-called "scissor mode" of nucleons oscillation, were found out. This discovery was very important for the development of the concept of atomic nuclei shell model.