In the paper we describe a new method to simulate the electroweak top quark production processes and a realisation of the method in the Monte-Carlo generator "SingleTop". We pay special attention to correct matching of events for two different parts of the main t-channel process: 2->2, where b-quark appears in the initial state and 2->3, where an additional b-quark appears in the final state. This matching allows to create events samples, where NLO corrections are taken into account without double counting and events with negative weights. The generator "SingleTop" is based on the complete tree feynman diagram calculation by means of the package CompHEP.
Document number: 2005-16/782
Authors: Е. Е .Boos, V. Е. Bunichev, L. V. Dudko, V. I. Savrin, A. V. Sherstnev