For 9 tin isotopes 112,114,116,117,118,119,120,122,124Sn the combined analysis was carried out for
experimental data for cross sections of total and partial photoneutron reactions obtained at MSU
SINP using bremsstrahlung and at Livermore (USA) and Saclay (France) using quasimonoenergetic
photons obtained at annihilation of relativistic positrons. The systematic disagreements between the
various experiments data were analyzed and the method for their taking into account was carried
Using the various experiments data for total photoneutron yield reaction cross sections
sigma(gamma,xn) and the modern model of photonuclear reaction based on the Fermi gas densities equations
the evaluated data for sigma(gamma,n) and sigma(gamma,2n) reaction cross sections were obtained. With those the total
photoneutron reaction cross sections sigma(gamma,sn) were evaluated for all Sn isotopes under discussion, the
regularities of the giant dipole resonance main parameters were analyzed in dependence of their
mass number A.
Document number: 2009-3/847
Authors: V.V. Varlamov, B.S. Ishkhanov, V.N. Orlin, V.A. Chetvertkova