Short name: DEHEP
Phone: +7 495 939 30 64
Department of experimental high energy physics
Department of experimental high energy physics (DEHEP) is organized in 1987. Its first head was Professor, DSc. Pavel Ermolov. Since 2008 till present it is headed by Professor, DSc. Eduard Boos.
The basic directions of scientific activity of the Department incliude concern:
- experimental and phenomenological studies in the field of physics of strong and electroweak interactions at Russian and foreign accelerators and colliders;
- development of technology of mass production of silicon semiconductor sensors and production of detectors for high-energy physics and cosmic rays physics on their base;
- development telecommunication networks (till 2013).
The following studies are carried out within the frames of these directions:
a) Studies at Large Hadron Collider in CERN:
- experimental data collection at the units CMS, ATLAS, LHCb, ALICE, data quality control, methodical and physical measurements. Mathematical simulation of expected physical effects, physical analysis and theoretical interpretation of experimental data.
- measurements of top-quark's characteristics and search for possible manifestation of deviations from Standard model;
- determination of Higgs bozon's characteristics;
- analysis data on electroweak interactions;
- studies of rare decays of B-mesons and possibility of new physics' manifestation;
- studies of structure and evolution of hadrons in extreme states;
- studies in the field of heavy quarks physics at the detectors CMS, ATLAS, LHCb at LHC collider and at D0 detector of Tevatron collider;
- development and support of MCDB (Monte-Karlo events Data Base) knowledge base which represents full structure for documenting, storage and distribution of the events of different physical processes expected at LHC collider and complicated for simulation;
- training for Large Hadron Collider upgrade;
- participation in the sessions on statistics collection;
- providing of operation of ROC (Remote Operational Center) for remote duties carrying out;
b) Studies of pair and single production of top-quark, measuring of the basic characteristics and search for all possible manifestations of deviations from predictions of Standard Model durng the processes with production of a single top-quark using all accumulated statistics of D experiment at Tevatron collider (Fermilab, USA);
c) Studies of the properties of electron-proton interactions at high energy and electron and proton structures by means of ZEUS detector at HERA collider (Hamburg, Germany). Integration of data of physical studies of two collaborations ZEUS and H1 in order to present joint results of ер-interactions at HERA collider. Studies of mechanisms of charmed hadrons production during the processes of ер-scattering with exchange of neutral and charged currents. Realization of a program of long-term system of data storage within the frames of ZEUS collaboration;
d) Studies of proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions at SVD-2 experimental plant. Studies of near-threshold production of charmed particles and search for exotic barions. Studies of influence of nuclear environment on the mechanism of charmed particles production;
e) Studies of nuclear matter at extreme values of density and temperature during collisions of heavy ions in NICA/MPD experiment (Dubna);
f) Furter participation in the development and testing of micro-strip detectors and tracking systems for joint international experiments CBM (FAIR, Darmstadt), CLAS12 (Jefferson Lab, Newport News, USA), SVD-2 (Protvino), NICA (Dubna) and NUCLEON (space satellite experiment);
g) Development and support of operation of high-speed big-scale computer network for maintainance of the studies in the field of nuclear and sub-nuclear structure of matter.
Development and extension of channel infrastructure of the network.
Development and extension of a reservation system of high-speed channels. Maintainance of optimum routing for resolving of specific problems of processing of the data of LHC and operation of operational center of a Russian segment of GRID in SINP MSU.
Development of a system of remote access and control of traffic for TUNKA experiment (till 2013).
The scientists of the Laboratory take active part in following important projects:
1) CMS, ATLAS, LHCb, ALICE experiments at LHC - studies of proton-proton, proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions;
2) D0 experiment at Tevatron collider - proton-antiproton collisions;
3) ZEUS experiment - electron(positron)-proton interactions at HERA collider;
4) SVD-2 (Spectrometer with Vertex Detector) at U-70 accelerator (Institute of High-Energy Physics, Protvino) - proton-proton and proton-nucleus interactions;
5) CLAS12 experiment in the Hall B (Jefferson Lab) - electron-proton and photon-proton interactions;
6) NICA/MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility, Multi-Purpose Detector) experiment (Dubna) - nucleus-nucleus and proton-proton interactions;
7)CBM(FAIR) (The Сompressed Baryonic Matter, Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) experemtn - nucleus-nucleus interactions (Darmstadt, Germany).
The scientists of the Laboratory collaborate with olleagues from Russian - Institute of High-Energy Physics (Protvino), Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (Dubna), Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Institute of Nuclear Research, P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute RAS - and foreign centers: European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland), FermiLab (Batavia, USA), DESY (Hamburg, Germany), Jefferson Lab (USA), GSI (Darmstadt, Germany), Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-vieux de Physique des Particules (LAPP), CNRS (France), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan)Цукуба, Oslo University (Norway).