Short name: DSI
Phone: +7 495 939 23 98
Department of scientific information
Department of scientific information (DSI) was founded in 1969. Till now it is irremovably headed by DSc., Professor Evgeny Romanovsky.
The scientists of the Department take part in the research according to the following basic directions of the SINP scientific activity plan: nuclear physics and information technologies and telecommunications development.
Within the frames of the first direction the scientists develop a potential approach to the studies of nucleons and nuclei interactions with nuclei within the range of low and middle energies. Calculation methods for single-particle characteristics of spherical and lightly deformed nuclei including moved from the stability valley away to the borders of nuclear stability with regard to nucleon emission are developed within the frames of the model of the middle field with nucleon dispersion optical potential. The models of nucleus-nucleus potential and methods for its unique determination for the interpretation of the experimental data on direct processes of nucleus-nucleus interaction are developed. The results of the predictive calculations are used for the planning of the new experiments. New experimental methods (based on the nuclear protons back scatter) are developed in order to determine composition and properties of the surface layers of structural materials modified by means of innovative methods. In particular, such materials are used for production of nuclear reactors of a new generation and aerospace equipment. Analytical studies of the processes of photo-ionization of the atoms which are interesting for the planned experiments based on X-ray free-electron laser are carried out.
Within the frames of the second direction the scientists of the Department prepare and publish articles concerning significant results of SINP scientific and educational activity, its outstanding scientists, develop scientific and informational bases included into SINP informational system and Internet, organize SINP publication and scientific-informational activity.
The students and post-graduates of the following chairs take part in the scientific research: the Chair of the Atomic Nucleus and Quantum Theory of Collisions, the Chair of Neutronography and the Chair of General Nuclear Physics. The scientists of the Department closely cooperate with other SINP research departments, colleagues from Kurchatov Institute, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Moscow Aviation and Technological Institute, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow Physical and Engineering Institute, Keldysh Research Center, Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan and with scientific groups from the foreign Universities (Jyväskylä University in Finland and Autonomous University of Mexico in Mexico). They also take part in the project European XEEL (European X-ray free-electron laser). In the field of scientific and informational activity the scientists of the Department cooperate with all scientific departments of the Institute and the Chairs of the Department of Nuclear Physics.