Сокращенное название: LNDA
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Laboratory of nuclear data analysis
(SINP MSU Data center for photo-nuclear experiments)
Laboratory of nuclear data analysis is a subdivision of the Department of electromagnetic processes and atomic nuclei interactions (DEPNI) of SINP MSU, headed by Professor Boris Ishkhanov. It's also known as SINP MSU Data center for photo-nuclear experiments (DCPNE).
The Laboratory is specialized in the field of development of big information-retrieval systems (IRS) and nuclear databases. The first systems were developed on the basis of ЕС-1022 computer, given by the Ministry of higher and secondary education of the USSR. Henceforth the systems were moved to the personal computers. Currently several databases on the structure of atomic nuclei and features of the processes of nuclear transformations during radioactive decays and nuclear reactions indeuced by photons, neutrons, charged particles and heavy ions are available for internauts on Web-site of the Center (cdfe.sinp.msu.ru).
The Center carries out this activity as a participant of the Web of nuclear data centers (WNDC) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which is resposible for retrieval, processing, analysis, evaluation, utilization and distribution of data on nucear reactions induced by photons. This collaboration curently includes 13 organizations from 9 countries. Except the SINP Center, there are also three other Russian participants there - Nuclear data center (A.I. Leipunsky Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk), Atomic and nuclear data center (I.V.Kurchatov Institute, Moscow) and Nuclear data center (Russian Federal nuclear center of All-Russian Research Institute for Experimental Physics, Sarov).
Databases of the SINP Center include both international arrays of nuclear data and self-designed projects. They possess flexible and powerful search systems which allow to scan databases taking into consideration several appropriate codes and characteristics. It provides an opportunity to solve different problems concenring not only informational support of scientific research and educational process, but also scientific research itself. Single aссess to the huge arrays of various information enables discovering of systematic divergence of results of different experiments, data special characteristics and regularities, which would be impossible or at least essentially problematic without such approach. Development of new informational technologies in the field of processing and utiliation of nuclear data provides an opportunity to carry out such studies in the areas of photo-nuclear reactions, new magic nuclei, and to discover a number of specific characters of the shape and charge size of nuclei.
Many students of the Physics Department of MSU and other Russian institutes have successfully defended their graduation projects bsing on the results of the studies carried out in the Laboratory of nuclear data analysis, ditto PhD. and doctoral thesis.
The Center was organized at the end of 1970s basing on a group of photo-nuclear data processing of the Sector of photo-nuclear reactions, headed by Professor Valerian Shevchenko. During a number of years Professor Boris Ishkhanov has headed the Center. The Laboratory of nuclear data analysis was organized at the end of 1980s during reorganization of the Sector of photo-nuclear reactions and the Department of electromagnetic processes and atomic nuclei interactions. Recently it is headed by Professor, DSc. Vladimir Varlamov.