We present the results of the phenomenological analysis of the new data on
angular distributions of $\eta$-mesons in photoproduction on protons measured
at Grenoble in energy region of $\gamma$-quantum from threshold up to 1.1 GeV
and of polarizational observables: linear polarized $\gamma$-quantum asymmetry
$\Sigma$ measured at Grenoble and polarized target asymmetry $T$ measured at
Bonn. Although there is a definite disagreement between angular distributions of
different laboratories polarization observables show similar energy dependance
with transition from the region of resonances $S_{11}(1535)$ and $D_{13}(1520)$
to the region of resonances $D_{15}(1675)$ and $F_{17}(1680).$
Номер документа: 2001-26/666
Авторы: E.V.Balandina, E.M.Leikin, N.P.Yudin
Email: yudin@helene.npi.msu.su