Laboratory of nuclear electronics and automation

Short name: Nealab

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Phone: +7 495 939 58 89


Laboratory of nuclear electronics and automation

The Laboratory of nuclear electronics and automation is a part of the Division of experimental physics of high energies (DEPHE). It was organized in 1992 under the leadership of Professor, D.Eng. Sergey Basiladze, who was its Head for many years. From 2013 it is headed by PhD. Alexander Leflat.

The basic direction of the research of the Laboratory is development of electronic equipment for data sampling and registration during the experiments in the field of high-energy physics (particles physics). It is substantially impossible to carry out up-to-date experiments within reasonable time period without development of high-performance automated electronic systems due to huge volume of data.

The basic experimental plant of the Division is a Spectrometer with a Vertex Detector (SVD) mounted on an accelerator U-70 of the Institure of high-energy physics (IHEP, Protvino). Over the last years a new far more improved start-up system for SVD was developed. Besides, a new system of registration of particles' coordinates based on drift tubes is put into operation. Computers were replaced with present-day ones and testing software for magnetic spectrometer and drift tracker of the instrument was developed. Significant efforts were done in order to upgrade and maintain these sub-systems in the operation condition. Thereby during 20 years methodical sessions were provided in order to adjust other systems of the instrument (in collaboration with JINR and ITEP) along with data sampling sessions - 2 sessions per year.

By now due to high level properties of the spectrometer SVD-2 a number of important physical resuls were obtained. Among them are the studies of open charm production in pA-interactions at energy of 70 GeV in the near-threshold area with measurements of both integral cross-section and differential cross-sections of charm's production. Also topological cross-sections of multiple production of charged particles in pp-interactions at 50 GeV were measured. Due to the possibilities of the SVD instrument topological cross-section was measured for the events with 24 charged particles in the final state, that is three orders of magnitude less that topologicalcross-sections measured at this energy previously. For the first time increasing of normalized dispersion ω0 = σ2(nπ0)/<n π0 > was found for neutral pions at the events with full multiplicity of particles over 22. It can become an evidence of production of pion condensate at theevents with high multiplicity of articles in the final state.

In arrears the scientistsof the Laboratory also took active part in the research carried out by the Division in collaboration with foreign institutions. First of it concerns experiments ZEUS (DESY, Germany), D0 (FermiLab, USA) and ATLAS and LHCb (CERN, Switzerland). The scientists were involved into computer simulation of data sampling systems (ZEUS), development of checkout system for the parameters of semiconductor vertex detectors (ZEUS, ATLAS) and testing of the assemblied modules (Oxford). They also participated in the adjustment of the electronic system of data registration by semiconductor detectors (D0) and experimental data sampling (LHCb).

In future the scientists of the Laboratory plan to upgrade start-up system of the SVD instrument essentially, participate in the development of a new system for magnetic spectrometer data sampling and registration. The purpose of these operations is to increase velocity of selection and reading of the data essentially (for an order of magnitude) for the SVD instrument. It will allow to move the experiment to a new level. It is also planned to participate in CERN experiments at LCHb within the frames of the starting program of LHCb collaider upgrading.