Laboratory of calorimeter detectors

Short name: LCD

Parent structure unit:

Phone: +7 495 939 59 48



Laboratory of calorimeter detertors

Laboratory of calorimeter detectors (LCD) was organized in 1988. It's first Head was PhD Georgy Bashindzhagyan. Since 2003 it is headed by PhD Mikhail Merkin.

First of all the Laboratory was organized in order to solve the problem of development of silicon-tungsten calorimeter for the Accelerating-storage complex (analogous the Large hadron collider) which is currently under development. Besides the following task were included in the directions of the Laboratory's research :
a) organization of high-purity silicon producation in the USSR;
b) development of the technology of silicon detectors with extremely low leakage currents;
c) development of low-noise electronics for data reading from silicon detectors;
d) development of electromagnetic calorimeter basing on silicon detectors.

During the years of the Laboratory's activity its field of specialization have enlarged - currently it includes the following directions:
a) development and testing of silicon detectors of all types: pad, stripped, microstripped (single-sided and double-sided);
b) development of electronics including semicustom integral microcircuits;
c) development of detecting - calorimetry and coordinate - systems basing on silicon detectors;
d) development of on-line and off-line software;
e) assemblying and testing of the systems based on silicon detectors.

Up-to-date complex of the facilities for development and testing was developed by the scientists of the Laboratory.
With their participation a number of large eqperimental plants was developed:
- hadron-electron separator of the ZEUS experiment (DESY, Germany);
- silicon matrix of the ATIC experiment (Antarctic balloon experiment on cosmic rays studies);
- frontage of the tracking system of the D0 experiment (FermiLab, USA);
- prototype of silicon-tungsten calorimeter for the future linear collider;
- the NUCLEON experiment (Russian space experiment, currently it is at the project's finish);
- tracking system of the SVD and SVD-2 experiments, in future - SVD-3 experiment (U-70, IHEP).

Currently the scientists of the Laboratory take active part in large Russian projects - SVD-2/3 (IHEP), NICA-MPD (JINR), NUCLEON; and in large international projects – LHCb, CLAS12, СВМ, PHENIX.

The Laboratory cooperates with Russian scientific centers - JINR, IHEP, ITEP, Lebedev's Physical Institute, Space Research Institute (IKI RAS), Institute of Material Sciences, MePHI, Obninsk University, Kurchatov Institute, and with foreign centers - DESY, FNAL, CERN, Ecole Polytechnic, GSI/FAIR, Hamburg University, Charles University (Prague), Physics Institute (Prague), JLAB, BNL.