Laboratory of the atomic nuclear theory

Short name: LANT

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Phone: +7 495 939 49 05


Laboratory of the atomic nuclear theory

The Laboratory of the atomic nuclear theory (LANT) was organized in 1979 on the base of the Sector of nuclear theory which was a part of the Laboratory of nuclear reactions (LNR) reorganized into the Department of the atomic nuclear physics (DANP). From the very beginning and till the end of 2012 Professor Vladimir Neudachin was the Head of the Laboratory (previously he was a Head of the Sector of nuclear theory in LNR). At the end of 2012 the Laboratory is leaded by Professor Vladimir Kukulin.

The Laboratory is specialized in the wide range of the problems concerning atomic nuclear theory, in particular, in the studies of the fields of theoretical and mathematical physics within the frames of the topic "Interactions of aggregate particles and symmetry methods in nuclear and sub-nuclear physics". The following fundamental problems can be marked:
– current theory of nuclear forces based on statements of quantum chromodynamics;
- the role of quark and hadron degrees of freedom in the nucleons and the lightest nuclei during the processes at intermediate energy;
- the role of dibarions in hadronic processes at intermediate energy;
- quantum theory of several particles scattering and its application to the physics of nuclear reactions;
- theory of interaction of aggregate (composed of fermions-constituents) particles;
- the studies of hyper-nuclei and super-nuclei structure;
- algebraic methods in the nuclear theory;
- development of mathematical tools for the thoery of symmetry and super-symmetry, studies of the characteristics of quantum algebras and groups, their application in theoretical and mathematical physics;
- development of fully microscopic theory of light nuclei based on new super-computer technologies;
- claster model of nucleus and theory of custer decay;
- theory of nuclear reactions of transfer, cluster dislodging and reactions caused by heavy ions;
- the studies of new neutron-free processes of thermal-nuclear synthesis in hot plasma.

Over the long period of its existence the scientists of the Laboratory have obtained a lot of outstanding results, many of which memorized in the contemporary science, including the following:
- offer and theoretical justification of new methods of the studies of thin films, atoms ad molecules structure – (е,2е) and (е,3е) spectroscopy (the authors of this discovery V.Neudachin and Yu.Smirnov were awarded with Lomonosov Prize);
- discovery of configuration fission of giant dipole resonance aat light atomic nuclei made in cooperation with the scientists from other SINP departments (diploma of discovery N342);
- development of dibaryon conception of nuclear forces (diploma for the best publication of the year in the RAS journals);
- development of microscopic theory of cluster radioactivity;
- justification of the perspectives of new fuel application for thermal-nuclear reactors producing essentially lower neutron flux at the reactor's walls comparing to the standard DT-fuel;
- development of new nucear-physical methods for thermal-nuclear plasma diagnostics;
- development of the method of extreme projectors for a very wide class of Lie symmetry (all semisimple Lie algebras, classical super-Lie algebra, affine algebras and Kac-Moody super-algebras and all quantum analogues);
- development of complete theory of SU(3)-spin and quantum deformation of Poincare algebra;
- development of explicit expressions of universal R-matrix for q-deformations of the wide range of Lie algebras and super-algebras;
- discovery of a new type of quantum deformation of affine algebras and super-algebras.

The scientists of the Laboratory have also developed a number of new theoretical methods and effective approaches which allow to solve actual problems of contemporary physics, in particular:
- developed multi-cluster dynamic model for light nuclei for the first time allowed to explain wide range of experimental data for a number of light nuclei (6He-6Li-6Be, 7Li-7Be, 9Be-9B, etc.) quantitatively without invoking adjustable parameters;
- offered new class of variation approaches (so-called stochastic variation method) was later successfully used by many authors for the calculations of nuclear, hyper-nuclear, atomic, msoatomic and multi-quark systems;
- a crucially new type of potentials for the description of baryon-baryon interaction - Moscow NN potential - was developed;
- a new concept of nuclear forces developed on the basis of an idea of forming of an intermediate dibaryon covered with strong meson fields was confirmed during the series of studies of NN-scattering, deutron and three-nucleon nuclei structure;
- a theory of several particles scattering in orthogonal subspace and modified Faddeev and Faddeev-Yakubovsky equations were developed. Basing on this new theory series of perturbation theory converging at all energies and new theory of multi-particle resonances were developed;
- developed method for inerse scattering problem allows to take into account errors and icompleteness of input data and to operate directy with scattering cross-section and with vector and tensor analyzing characteristics;
- prospective methods for theoretical description of aggregate particles interactions - clusters, dislodging nuclear reactions and tranfer of clusters, nuclear decay with aggregate fragments - were developed;
- developed non-local nucleon-nucleon potential describe characteristics of two-, three- and four-nucleon systems with high accuracy and is convenient for application in the calculations of heavier nuclei.

A number of above mentioned methods and approaches are permanently being improved and developed, in particular the following:
- development of a sequential model basing on original dibaryaon concept of nuclear forces in order to describe two-pion production during hadronic collisions in cooperation with researchers from Julich (Germany);
- development of new technologies for calculations in quantum scattering theory basing on parallel calculations using graphic processors;
- generalization of an approach based on model-free description of light nuclei to the continuous spectrum; it will allow to describe energies and widths of resonance states and nuclear reactions;
- development and studies of new quantum deformations of relativistic space-time and its super-extension; it is important for the development of super-symmetric models of quantum gravitation with positive cosmological constant.

During the last 15 years the scietists of the Laboratory take part in the projects of the Institute of theoretical physics of the University of Tubingen (Germany) supported by German Scientific-Research Society DFG, in a big project "Supercomputer simulation of light nuclei" in cooperation with the Pacific University, the University of Iowa and other universities of the USA, supported by research programs SciDAC and INCITE, funded by the US Department of Energy (Us DoE).

Results of the studies carried out at the Laboratory are publsihed in numerous papers in the leading international scientific journals and several monographs. The scientists of the Laboratory won a lot of Russian and international grants, including the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation, Lomonosov Prize, diploma of the scientific discovery of the USSR Coincil of Ministers' State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries and MAIK/Interperiodika diploma for the best publication of the year.

The scientists of the Laboratory work in close cooperation with the researchers from the Iowa University (USA), Institute of Theoretical Physics of the University of Tubingen (Germany), Institute of Theoretical Physics of the University of Wroclaw (Poland), Department of Mathematics of the University of Gothenburg (Sweden), Department of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czhech University in Prague, Voronezh State University, Pacific State University (Khabarovsk) and Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (Dubna).